Google Analytics Privacy Policy

SGCDpro uses Google Analytics, a third-party software that collects data on visitors.

What data does Google Analytics collect?

- Where visitors came from.
- Search terms used to find
- What pages were visited, and length of each visit.
- The computer operating system and web browser used.
- General location of visitor.

Visit Google Analytics to learn more about what information the software collects.

What does SGCDpro do with the data?

SGCDpro uses Google Analytics to have a better understanding of its visitors. Using Google Analytics allows SGCDpro to learn what websites referred you to, or what search terms you used to find us. Google Analytics also lets us see what pages were visited the most and the time spent viewing each page. This allows us to see what areas of the website might need to be improved, and what content is most helpful to the user.

In addition, Google Analytics lets us see your general location, but NO PERSONAL INFORMATION IS COLLECTED. SGCDpro follows Google Analytics Terms of Service.

How to opt-out.

If you wish to opt-out of Google Analytics, you can install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.